This three-fold benediction concludes what is commonly referred to as the Lord’s Prayer. All the preceding prayers are made because the kingdom, power and glory belong to Him. Finally we declare our faith in the eternal nature of God’s Kingdom, power and glory. We also affirm our responsibility to attribute glory to Him alone while acknowledging our weakness for self glorification. We affirm the supremacy of His kingdom while acknowledging the transitory nature of this world. We acknowledge His omnipotence confirming our reluctance to rely on other factors in this world.
The kingdom of God which starts operating in our heart while we are here in this world continues and culminates when we meet Him face to face. Since it is of eternal nature, we need to inherit the kingdom here on this earth and become its citizens. We become eligible citizens when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and master. All our actions and attitudes must project us as citizens of God’s kingdom.
Next, whatever we do is powered by God. We might witness awesome incidents in our life and that of others which show the power of God that we tend to exclaim, “He who is with us is greater than those who stand against us” Our total submission to God opens our eyes to see the immensity of His power. His power is eternal and all knees will bow before Him and all tongues will declare that He is our powerful God. When we realize our brokenness His power fills us and we are assured of victories over trials and temptations.
As people who believe in His eternal kingdom and power, we attribute all glory to Him. When we accept His Lordship and acknowledge His power in our life we empty ourselves before Him . In that state of self-effacing humility, we see His majesty and glory as He sits enthroned as the never-failing monarch of our life.
May His sovereign grace grant us the privilege to be citizens of His kingdom, experiencing His power operating in our life so that we ascribe all glory to His great name for all that we do in his name.
Dr. (Mrs.) Edriana Jeyasingh