Many Christian scholars say that the oil symbolizes good works inspired by the Holy Spirit which are required to enter the Kingdom of God. The wise virgins, have obviously performed good works throughout their lives to merit their entrance into the Kingdom. The foolish virgins however take advantage of the delay in the bridegroom’s or Messiah’s arrival and indulge in sloth and leisure. Christians should be eager and alert, employing God’s resources to light the surrounding. Their zeal should not wane. This passage stresses the importance of constant readiness for Christ’s arrival.
The oil might represent one’s relationship with the Lord. He who is steady and steadfast till the end will be received by God. We read that the spirit of man is the Lord’s lamp in Pro.20:27. When filled with the Holy Spirit the fire within a person burns giving light for him to walk in the path of God. The wise virgins showed great enthusiasm in keeping the flame alive. We, like them , must keep the fire of our devotion for God alive by showing a real interest in maintaining our relationship with God. The fire dies in the absence of such a passionate relationship with God. Oil kept in reserve stands for efforts to keep ourselves within the plan and purpose of God. Such a desire to be accepted by Him developed in the end without the prior zeal will be of no use. Such genuine passion for God that will keep the fire of intimacy with Him alive, can be neither borrowed nor bought.
Both groups were in the same place going to meet the bridegroom (verse 1). The spiritually unprepared Christians are found among the prepared Christians taking part in the same Christian activities. Both groups were carrying lamps (verse 1). They were similar in outward appearances But deep in the spirit, one group lacked the fire of the Lord and did not have the essential passion to keep the flame burning. Participation in acknowledged Christian activities does not guarantee entry into His joyful presence
The five virgins who had the extra oil represent the devoted children of God who await with eagerness the coming of Christ. They have faith and determination to be faithful in adverse circumstances and wait patiently though the visit is delayed. . The five virgins without the oil represent those who start off with enthusiasm enjoying the benefits of the Christian community without true love for Christ. Their zeal for the Lord began to taper down as years advance and like the servant who was not ready to receive the master they too were not alert ,active and accountable . The Lord wants our initial love to remain the same.
Dr. (Mrs.) Edriana Jeyasingh