Manna of August 2016

    You of little faith, why did you doubt? Matthew 14:31

This incident is a well-known one. Peter tried to walk towards Jesus on the water. But when he saw the wind he got scared and consequently began to sink. Then he cried “Lord, save me” Immediately, Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. At that time He said,“you of little faith, why did you doubt.?”

The disciples were caught in a storm and the boat was struggling in the water. They would have naturally wanted Jesus to calm the storm, when they knew that it was he who was walking on the water. Every one of them would have wished that. But very strangely Peter wanted to do what His master did. His desire was to walk on the water.

The disciples caught in the midst of storm must have wanted to be saved from the perilous and painful situation. Their eyes were on the storm. But at the outset Peter wanted todo what Jesus did. Wasn’t He just walking on the turbulent water unmindful of the raging winds? He did that in another instance when He slept peacefully in the midst of the storm. The disciples could not understand how he could be sleeping while the wind was roaring all around. Jesus was calm in the midst of a dreadful frightening situation. May be that’s what He wants His children to learn from Him. Peter tried to do that. With the Saviour close to him, he mustered enough courage to place his feet on the water. To his pleasant surprise he found himself walking on the water which a few seconds ago was threatening to destroy the boat. A laudable effort indeed.

But when he took his eyes off Jesus he began to sink. Jesus must have applauded him but very soon His hope of seeing His children walk in faith was ruined. He wants the believers to walk in steadfast faith towards the goals He has set for them. He beckons them to walk with courage but how often they prove incapable of achieving what God has planned for them. Destructive and distracting circumstances appear to be more powerful than the assuring presence of God to eyes that are clouded by fear and doubt.

Peter’s desire to accomplish what he started to do was thwarted because he lacked faith. Though the author and finisher of all things had beckoned him to begin, he failed miserably because of his wavering faith. Faith helps one to move unflinchingly towards the end. When faith began to taper down, external situations gaine control. Hence it is of vital importance that we feed our inner man withthings that will strengthen faith. We need to be focused on Jesus and not be distracted by what happens around. When we fail to keep our gaze fixed on Him we will sink.

Another important aspect in carrying out our mission is the necessity to check if what we wish to do has divine sanction. Once we are convinced that what we want to undertake is in alignment with His will, we need to forge forward with courage. Let us do things with His approval and do it courageously without doubting the sustaining grace of God.

The hand that beckoned Peter to jump out of the boat was extended to raise him when he was about to sink. Help from God is available at all times. Hence, let us plunge into challenges with courage and confidence. His outstretched hands are there for us just to lift us from any danger.

Dr. (Mrs.) Edriana Jeyasingh

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