Manna of Novembre 2015...


Ananias was a disciple of God who was chosen to meet Paul. God asked him to confront the ring-leader of the persecutors. Probably Ananias who knew that Paul was coming to his city, must have awaited the arrival of Paul with great fear. At such a moment he was commissioned by God to meet the tyrant. When such foreboding orders descend on the chosen vessels of God their first reaction stems out of their fear and reluctance to go on the mission. Moses declined to accept the responsibility of bringing the Israelites out of Egypt. Even Mary, the mother of Jesus had her doubts clarified before she received her part in the plan of salvation.

When God gave His assurance, Ananias launched on his mission with confidence and went to meet Paul. He addressed him as ‘brother’ and placed his hand on Paul and prayed. He chose to believe in the word of God more than his negative reasoning and natural knowledge. When Peter the seasoned fisherman, bent his will to obey the Master –carpenter, he caught a lot of fish. He could have easily wondered what a carpenter would know about fishing. Similarly when Ananias subdued his apprehensions and approached Paul with the dose of knowledge he had to impart he took just one step.

God took care of the rest and made Paul to contribute two-thirds 0f the New Testament. Yes, when a person can ignore the negative inputs in life and obeys God, the reward will be great and awesome. Our knowledge and information we possess could stand in the way of our submission. But God wants us to take just one step into the unknown like Abraham who ventured boldly into the unfamiliar when he was commissioned to do so.

Ananias was able to listen to God. Several times Gods voice gets drowned in the clutter of worldly noise. Very often our involvement in so called pious act makes it difficult for us to discern God’s voice and His way. That’s why God is not able to touch others through us. Ananias was tuned to the voice of God. He listened and obeyed though he knew that the person he was to encounter was not of an amiable nature. He surrendered all his fear and stepped out with confidence.

His voice may have quivered when he addressed Paul as brother. He must have initiated Paul into the path of discipleship sowing the seeds of loyalty and faithfulness to Christ. His small obedience paved the way to the birth of a new era with Paul delivering his bold messages to different groups of people.

Dr. (Mrs.) Edriana Jeyasingh

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