Manna of this month...

    “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” Mat 7:3

Speck refers to anything small. It is a tiny material that may have lodged in an eye. It can also mean a small moral defect in others. A self-righteous man sees this while he is totally unconscious of his own shortcomings.

Disraeli rightly observed, “It is much easier to be critical than correct.” When people point out our mistakes in a concerned way, we benefit. But an over-critical attitude is sickening and destructive. Such a person enjoys criticism. Nothing constructive can come from them. It is natural for people to avoid the company of such negative critics.

One obvious characteristic of this fault-finding person is that he focuses on things that are not of great importance. By distracting the attention of others and directing it on less important matters, he covers up his shallowness. His intention is to make himself feel great by making others feel small. So he wastes his energy in finding a small defect which he can condemn. Instead of spending his time in some profitable pursuit, he wastes his time and energy indulging in a task that destroys others.

The man who has a log in his eye represents a hypocrite who assumes that all is well with him and therefore feels that he does not need any correction.

This passage is an attack on the hypocrites who criticize others for their small flaws. The beam in their eyes hinders them from seeing the reality. Oswald Chambers says that it is impossible to develop the characteristics of a saint while maintaining a critical attitude. Fault finders can never be fact-finders.

He who spends time examining himself in the presence of God will discover his weaknesses and will seek His strength to overcome that. But the man with a log does not spend any time in self-examination. Fear of facing the result of such an examination, makes him ignore the necessity of such a salubrious exercise. Hence he goes about carrying resentment and bitterness and releasing poisonous criticism wherever he goes. He who is critical is unhappy at heart.

A person who is filled with the love of God can never use such poisonous darts to hurt others. The person with the log needs to approach the master eye surgeon seeking His help in removing the impediment to a proper vision.

Dr. (Mrs.) Edriana Jeyasingh

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