At the wedding of Cana, Jesus performed the first recorded miracle. There are three vital life lessons for deep reflection which will enrich our life in the New Year.
First we read that Jesus was already invited for the wedding. He was present there when the host faced the deficiency. Jesus was informed about the problem and He performed a miracle. They had made sure that Jesus was present at the joyous time of celebration. So, their problem was solved and their time of trial became a time of rejoicing. Jesus must be present in our life and be the master of our life at all times, in all situations. If He is present with us, we can face any experience with confidence. As we enter the New Year, let us be sure of His presence in our life. With Jesus we may not lack anything, without Jesus we will lack everything. Is He the master of our life? Is He present with us in times of joy or do we seek Him only in crisis? His abiding presence with us will help us see miracles in our life.
Next the servants’ implicit obedience paved the way to a miracle. They didn’t question why the water should be carried to the governor of the feast at a time when they desperately needed wine. Our obedience to God opens the way for miracles in our life. Obstacles will be removed, closed doors will be opened, broken relationships will be mended, dying business will be revived and sick ventures will be restored only when we learn to obey His word. Impossible things will become possible when we are obedient to God.
Finally the colourless water became tasty wine when Jesus handled the situation. As we enter the New Year, we need His favour so that our life can be useful and meaningful. Shall we commit our life to Him so that He can handle all our situations and make our life more meaningful and effective? Others must see a difference in our life if we claim that Jesus is our Lord and master.
The presence of Jesus at the wedding transformed the water and made it a blessing to many. May the presence of Jesus in our life transform it and make it a blessing to many.
Best wishes for a blessed New Year.
Dr. (Mrs.) Edriana Jeyasingh