Manna of  December 2014...


The word became flesh and dwelt among men. C.S.Lewis said, “ The Son of God became the son of man so that the sons of men can become the sons of God.’ This is the miracle of Christmas. God came as a man so that we can become like Him and reflect His image in this world. When we receive Him we become His child. This transformation is the ongoing miracle starting from the first Christmas. When Christ is born in our hearts hatred dies. The following story illustrates that.

“Soldiers from America and Germany were involved in a war. It was December 24th, Christmas Eve and it was a very cold night. Soldiers on both sides were lost from their units and were looking for a place to stay. Three American Soldiers saw a feeble light from a distance and also smoke from the chimney. They sought entry into the small abode. A German lady opened the door and called the Americans in to warm up and for the Christmas meal. One of the American Soldiers was wounded and the lady tried to make him comfortable. They were able to communicate because the lady spoke French.

Then suddenly there was a knock at the door. The lady went to the door and answered it. There were four German soldiers who were lost from their unit and they asked the lady for shelter. The lady answered them with this, "Yes, you can come in for Christmas dinner but I have other guests." One German soldier remarked, "Americans." She said, "yes but this is Christmas and there will be no killing on this night." She asked the Germans and the Americans to lay down their weapons!

There they were all in the room together, soldiers who a little while ago were bent on killing each other. It was so quiet for about ten minutes. Then one American soldier offered the Germans a cigarette. One of the Germans who had medical training began to help the wounded American and made him as comfortable as he could be.

Christmas dinner was ready and before they ate the lady had a speech for them. She told them that war was wrong and told them the beauty of Christmas day and what it all meant. (Of course she said in German to the Germans and French to the Americans). All the soldiers had tears in the eyes, even the tough German Sergeant. From an uneasy friendship was built a genuine friendship in Christ that night. Later on the soldiers all sang Silent Night in their own native tongues. So, for one night in a great battle, Christ's peace was in the hearts of these nine people.

May this miracle of Christmas operate in our lives. May this peace prevail in all our relationships. May the love of Christ that transcends all differences dwell in us. May the new year be the time for such miracles.

Dr. (Mrs.) Edriana Jeyasingh

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